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    Norwegian seaweed could help in the fight against cystic fibrosis

Norwegian seaweed could help in the fight against cystic fibrosis

It was recently reported, in this article on the Daily Mail, that a form of Norwegian Seaweed could be the key ingredient in new treatments for cystic fibrosis, that could see the average life expectancy of a sufferer increase from 40 years. At this point in time further research is required to prove the experiment positive, but initial tests indicate that that the alginate, found in certain seaweeds, ‘helps to break down the mucus that characterizes cystic fibrosis (CF),’ which ‘if left untreated ‘leads to problems with digestion and makes the lungs prone to severe bacterial infections – which is ultimately what kills most patients.’


The elixir of life

When swashbuckling pirates and dashing adventurers set sail to find the elixir of life, none of them knew that they’d be better off jumping deck, but recently a group of South Korean fisherman have found a species of seaweed that has a dramatic effect of high blood pressure. (more…)

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    Why vegans should eat seaweed

Why vegans should eat seaweed

For a lot of people, seafood means fish, crustaceans and the occasional ring of calamari. For a lot of vegans and vegetarians it basically means nothing at all, which we see as a real shame. In her recent article on One Green Planet, Heather McLees, points out that when she became a health nut she’d have to learn to love like green stuff she ‘used to avoid as a kid on the beach,’ as it contains so many essential vitamins and nutrients that a non-meat eater can find it hard to come by. She explains in practical terms, the benefits of eating seaweed:


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    Spotlight: Fifteen Cornwall

Spotlight: Fifteen Cornwall

Jaime Oliver’s Fifteen Cornwall serves bright and bold Italian food from the edge of the Atlantic ocean. If you fancy some high class cuisine with a perfect view across the beach then this is where you want to be.
We have been working with Andy Appleton, head chef of Fifteen Cornwall  for over a year. Andy is one of the first top chefs to pioneer seaweed as a local and tasty ingredient and you can regularly find it on the menu in Jamie Oliver’s restaurant Fifteen Cornwall in Newquay. Andy even shared his amazing Cornish Fish Stew recipe which contains our favourite sea spaghetti for you to try out.