Who knows? According to Simeon Goodwin, an out-of-the-box-thinking Sustainable Product Design student at Falmouth University it is possible. He would like to use seaweed as a sustainable and exciting material to create some marvelously interesting things. We give him room to explain and you can follow him here!

“My Name is Simeon Goodwin and I study Sustainable Product Design at Falmouth University in Cornwall. For My final year project I’m working with the Cornish Seaweed Company to try to change the way we think about disposable products, from plastic bags to pens and bottles.

I am working with the multiple unique qualities of seaweed that are not present in any other mainstream material. The project will run until April, and up until now I have created an example of what I want to achieve – A Seaweed Bag.

It was created from Cornish Kombu found in Falmouth, cut into patches, and sewn together to create a throwaway bag with less of an impact on the environment. When kept in an air-free environment, the bag starts to collect mould cultures after just four days, alternatively, it can be cut up and used in the garden as a natural fertilizer.

During the course of the project I will be working with the Cornish Seaweed Company to exploit this unique material to hopefully create a viable product that can be produced and thrown away on mass scale without the huge impact on the environment that everyday products create.”