(Porphyra sp.)
Nori is well known as the seaweed (it is actually one of three or more species) that is part of many Japanese sushi dishes, where it is used in toasted form as a thin sheet wrapped around rice. Here in the UK and especially Wales and Devon, it is better known as laver, where it forms the main ingredient of the traditional laverbread. Patience is needed when preparing this specialty dish from scratch however, as it can take up to 10 hours to boil the nori! Even though pretty much all the nori that is for sale in our supermarkets comes from cultivated sites in the Far East, it also grows in our own coastal waters. Nori can also be used as a toasted crisp and can add flavour to many dishes, varying from fish dishes, soups, salads and meats.
Nutritional benefits
It contains heroic levels of protein (up to 44%!!) including taurine, which helps prevent formation of gall stones. Among the seaweeds it has the highest content of β-carotene (vitamins A) It is extremely rich in vitamin C (containing even more than oranges!) and E. Very noteworthy is its vitamin B12 content, which is comparable to that of meat. Especially good news for those eating vegetarian or vegan (or have to cook for one!) as plant-based sources of vitamin B12 are scarce. It is also a good source of dietary fibre (30%)
Porphyra species are also characterised by particularly high concentrations of Iron, Copper, Zinc, Manganese and Selenium which are essential to keep you in good health.
Health benefits
Between the Atlantic Seaweeds, nori has the highest polysaccharide content (including Fucoidan, Porphyran and Floridoside).
Some of the health benefits of the compounds contained in Nori:
- Anti-coagulant
- Anti-arteriosclerosis
- Antioxidant
- Anticancer
- Anti-tumour activity
- Stimulation of immuno system
- Antiviral
- Anti-HIV
- Anti-hepatitic
- Potential antiviral against human cytomegalovirus and avian flue
- Potential antiviral
- Prebiotic
- Antibacterial properties against E. coli and Staphylococcus
- Cholesterol lowering
Buy Nori (part of the Sea Salad)